
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Sonorous Journeys 2: Crystalis Tuning for Children
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Webcast on the Crystalis Tuning, sometimes called the Children's Tuning or D Minor Tuning (D=72 Hz). Commissioned by AA Michael, this tuning helps children clear damage done to their bodies by vaccines, toxic chemicals, GMO foods, etc. The damage shows up in children with Autism, Asperger's Syndrome and in numerous other energetic symptoms. The D tonality, specifically tuned to 72 Hz, grants children a sense of safety and security. It is the "musical intonation of their Homeplace", opening their heart as they can feel the innate resonance with Truth. It rebuilds their light chain and their star DNA. This intonation provides a platform of transformation so that, as a child's light turns on, they can enjoy their full spectrum gifts.
Best Practice: Use quality bass speakers or a good set of headphones or earbuds. Smart phones or computer speakers will not be able to replicate the low frequencies which are prominent in this piece. The low tones create the grounded feeling of home which carries the therapeutic value of this work.
Angel Harp, zither, didgeridoo, synths

Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Song of Thanksgiving
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Performed on Angel Harps tuned to Sacred Geometry frequencies:
Water Element Tuning, key of B, Icosahedron Platonic Solid; and Forest Tuning, F# maj7 Platonic Solid.
Music by Mark Torgeson

Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
2023: Vision of the Year Ahead
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Carol talks on her vision of 2023, including four energetic gateways; the Great Turning; new intergalactic terrain; upshifting of the earth's frequencies; six energetic earths; collapsing of the timelines; the singular timeline of 2025; systemic change is the touchstone of our life during 2023; geological changes including dramatic tectonic plate shifts; ley lines along the easter seaboard; downloads of light technologies; whales and dolphins and crystal children become very active; March-April yields an energetic "hail-storm" worldwide, signalling new global leaders to step forward; separation of "family" ties triggered by fear cycles and the importance of holding space for others and self-mastery; sustainable farming, living in Circles of Light with people of like-heartedness; outrageous degradation of acts causing the world to fractionalize; creating a hybrid human race; living as sovereign beings; liberation; upshifting our DNA; knowing your swim-lane; where to place you energy and focus; honoring the choice of the Soul; rough and tumble through 2025 but an incredible amount of joy with new beings coming in.

Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Return of the Star Tribes
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
The musical story of the return of all Star Nations involved in the Earth Project.
Tuned to D=72 Hz, D Dorian mode
Use this music for atuning to the universal crystalline matrix, and aligning with feelings of peace, harmony, and home.
Music by Mark Torgeson
Instruments: Angel Harps, Didgeridoo, Synthesizer

Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Work of Global Centers for Planetary Awakening
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Carol answers questions regarding the processes involved in creating the Centers, from the initial Vision; Clearing; Activation; Opening Stargates, and roles of the stewards of the New Earth Matrix. Questions & Topics include:
1. What is your Process of directing energy and intention relating to the work of the Global Light Centers?
2. What is the Intelligence informing you toward a specific action?
3. Clearing Fields of Distortion
4. Energetic Structure and physical form
5. Stargate Opening
6. No one has all the information: zones for intermixing of energy systems to inform starseeds
7. Returning to Activation Sites
8. Profiles of GLC Teams: MetaStar Architects Master Builders Master Teachers Directors Residents

Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Angel Harps for Podcast One
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Angel Harps are converted and repurposed autoharps tuned to single chords. Mark plays Harps for Angels, using Sacred Geometry, specifically Platonic Solids, in tuning his harps. These frequencies are cosmic in nature and aligned with larger stellar and earthly processes, and as such, place one in alignment with pure cosmological flows. Enjoy!

Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Podcast One -The Beginning
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Changing Consciousness, Earth Shifts, Following One's Passion.